LATEST (April 23, 2013) On Arpaio Obama Fraud Investigation
Carl Gallups (Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups and PPSIMMONS founder) says that he has recently spoken with Lt. Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Arpaio Obama Fraud investigation. Here is what Gallups says is happening right now:
1. Lt. Zullo confirms that a meeting with a large "group" of VIPs is now on the schedule. This is a huge step forward in the potential prosecution of the Obama fraud. This meeting arrangement was just finalized in the last couple of days. The group of VIPs has asked to see the Arpaio evidence, in light of all the recent exposure that Gallups and Zullo have brought to the case with their recent trip to CPAC and Capitol Hill. Zullo will soon give them a presentation that should prove to be overwhelming evidence of the fraud, felony, and fabrication perpetrated by the White House. If this group endorses what Arpaio and Zullo shows them - it could prove to be a huge advancement in the potential prosecution of the case. This presentation is scheduled to happen just weeks from now.
2. Another, and very important, VIP of standing is still promising and laying specific plans for a monumental exposure of the case and movement for criminal prosecution. We are still hoping this plan will come to fruition within the next couple of months. If this comes off as planned, it will be huge, especially if that plan then has the backing of the large group of VIPs mentioned above.
3. A couple of other meetings with additional VIPs of standing are on the calendar. They too wish to personally see and hear the evidence that Arpaio and his investigators have amassed in this criminal case of national fraud.
Gallups says, "As these meetings, events and plans come together we are hoping for a snow ball effect. We believe that more and more people of standing will come on board as they see the boldness and courage of others who are willing to speak to the truth of the matter and bring this case to full light and prosecution."
When asked what the "the truth" of the matter was, Gallups responded, "The truth is that the birth certificate proffered by Obama himself as his ONLY identifying document presented to the public thus far - is a fake. It's a forged and fabricated document. The question has to be asked - 'Why would the POTUS present a forged document to the nation and proclaim this to be his legitimate identification?' It doesn't make sense - unless, perhaps, he has no legitimate identification. If this is so, it goes directly to nationalsecurity, constitutional law, federal law, and a potential constitutional crises."
We asked Gallups to define what he means by a "VIP." Gallups responded, "A VIP is a very important person of standing. That is a person who can DO something about this case - a person who can move this case to the prosecution level. There are several State and Federal officials and law enforcement entities that can make that happen. These are the ONLY people we are dealing with at this point. The investigation has been done. The evidence is in. The document is a 100% proven and signed off on - FRAUD. There is no more question about that."
Gallups went on to say, " Now the only questions that remain are 1. Who did it? and 2. Why did the POTUS offer it as his own? These are huge questions and we are dealing only with people now who have "standing" in the matter - people who can get this case to a prosecution level. That is finally happening. We are further along now with this matter than ever before. I know people are anxious. Mike Zullo, Sheriff Arpaio, and I are asking people to be patient - something will happen soon."
Gallups said that DONATIONS to the Arpaio Cold Case Posse can be made at
2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.
2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean - VIDEO HERE.
2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama's Home Country Is Kenya - VIDEO HERE.
FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.
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