Friday, August 30, 2013

Roger Waters Targeted With Boycott by German Jewish Group

BERLIN (AP) — A Jewish group in the German city of Duesseldorf is urging a boycott of an upcoming concert by former Pink Floyd band member Roger Waters for using an inflatable pig featuring a Star of David during his show.
The director of the Jewish Community in Duesseldorf, Michael Szentei-Heise, said in a statement Thursday that Waters was an "intellectual arsonist" whose stage act used "anti-Semitic and National Socialist" imagery.
Waters, who could not immediately be reached for comment, is to perform his show "The Wall" in Duesseldorf on Sept. 6.
The English musician has previously rebuffed critics of the show, which has been performed about 200 times in the last three years, by saying it isn't intended to be anti-Semitic.
The inflatable pig also features other religious, political and corporate symbols.

Roger Waters Targeted With Boycott by German Jewish Group (Report)

A Jewish group is calling for a boycott of an upcoming concert by former Pink Floyd leader Roger Waters, claiming that the musician uses anti-Semitic imagery in his current tour.

In his show "The Wall," Rogers uses an inflatable pig with a Star of David on it as a stage prop, though the pig also has other religious, political and corporate emblems emblazoned on it.
Michael Szentei-Heise, the director of the Jewish Community in Dusseldorf, urged the boycott of Walters' Sept. 6 concert in the German city, the Associated Press reports.

In a statement, Szentei-Heise accuses Waters of employing "anti-Semitic and National Socialist" imagery. He also characterizes Waters as an "intellectual arsonist."

Waters -- who according to reports has urged musicians not to perform in Israel -- has denied charges of anti-Semitism that have been leveled at him. Responding to an open letter from Anti-Defamation League national director Abraham H. Foxman, Waters wrote, "For the record I am not anti-Semitic, neither is my theatrical piece The Wall and nor are any of the props, puppets or projections in that work."

However, Waters added, "You are right in saying that I have attacked The Israeli Governments' policies in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel itself."

Roger Waters Proves Hypocrisy of Israel Boycott Advocates Roger Waters, formerly of rock band Pink Floyd fame, has learned how absurd it is to demand that speech be shut down, and has come to see the virtue of open-mindedness and tolerance. At least when it comes to his own speech and tolerance for his own brand of intolerance.

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by Tsafrir Ronen

The Invention of Palestine as a Psychological Weapon for Conquering Eretz Yisrael

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world's stage more than 600 years earlier. It was his final twist of the knife and legacy after wars, massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish presence from Judea.
Today, the modern enemies of a resurrected Jewish Nation have dusted off Hadrian's curse and are attempting to pull off a monumental theft: the Arab world have reincarnated "Palestine" to steal Israel's heritage and the Land of the Jewish People.
Hadrian's Curse will expose the BIG lie of the "Palestinian cause" in a full-length 120-minute documentary. The film will document that there never was a "Palestinian" people, The world has become so accustomed to the "truth" of the "Palestinian" perversion of history and work backwards, exposing recent claims and acts whose absurdity and villainy shock uninformed observers.
When Arafat declared: "Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it", it turns out that Arafat's nation already stretches over an area larger than all of Europe.
His is the twisted story of one of the biggest, most remarkable fraud in history. It is such a successful fabrication that many otherwise informed people have been duped and mislead. This propaganda has become a powerful weapon used Israel's enemies, the Arabs, to try to conquer Eretz Yisrael without firing a shot, without an army, tanks or jets. The Jewish People eventually bested Hadrian. They returned to their land and reestablished sovereignty over it.
They rebuilt Jerusalem as their capital, and resettled desolate Judea. They did all this only to now confront the reincarnated curse of Hadrian in the guise of Arabs renaming themselves "Palestinians" and claiming all the ancient Land as their own.
As explained in the film, many Israelis and lovers of Zion have accepted this misnaming and misidentification. Hadrian's ancient curse now threatens Israel's very existence. Israel's success and endurance and the world's hope for peace in the 21st century, demands that the deceit and danger of a Palestinian state must be exposed and avoided. It is our fervent hope that Hadrian's Curse will expose the historical truth. 

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