in questioning the moral character of GOP Candidate Newt Gingrich, but Tucker Carlson has yet to question the moral character of Barack Obama or report Larry Sinclair’s claims of sex and cocaine use with Barack Obama in 1999 (who by the way was not only married at the time, but had a one year old baby at home). Where are the DailyCaller headlines
Man says he performed oral sex and engaged in cocaine use with Barack Obama in 1999, thinks voters must know the truth
Do not allow any media outlet or news organization: not the New York Times; not MSNBC; not The Daily Caller; and not FOX News allow 2012 to be a replay of 2008 when it comes to refusing to report damaging stories about Barack Obama. Not just Larry Sinclair’s claims, but the verified story that terrorists Bill Ayers was authorized to pick up the Obama daughters from school and sports classes listed as an Obama babysitter, Politico and Politico’s Ben Smith killed in 2008.
We warned Gingrich and Daniels (Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels who was considering running for the GOP Presidential nomination at the time but decided against it after the media had already started talking about his marital problems) in May of this year they better be ready to hold the media accountable. Demanding they ask Barack Obama the same questions about his alleged homosexual affairs and Cocaine use & sales!
Daily-Caller Reports Newts Sex But Ignores Obama
Do not let the Media on both sides get away with questioning one candidate while protecting the other. The Daily Caller can publish a story titled: Woman says she performed sexual acts on married Newt in 1977, thinks voters simply must know
in questioning the moral character of GOP Candidate Newt Gingrich, but Tucker Carlson has yet to question the moral character of Barack Obama or report Larry Sinclair’s claims of sex and cocaine use with Barack Obama in 1999 (who by the way was not only married at the time, but had a one year old baby at home). Where are the DailyCaller headlines
Man says he performed oral sex and engaged in cocaine use with Barack Obama in 1999, thinks voters must know the truth
Do not allow any media outlet or news organization: not the New York Times; not MSNBC; not The Daily Caller; and not FOX News allow 2012 to be a replay of 2008 when it comes to refusing to report damaging stories about Barack Obama. Not just Larry Sinclair’s claims, but the verified story that terrorists Bill Ayers was authorized to pick up the Obama daughters from school and sports classes listed as an Obama babysitter, Politico and Politico’s Ben Smith killed in 2008.
We warned Gingrich and Daniels (Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels who was considering running for the GOP Presidential nomination at the time but decided against it after the media had already started talking about his marital problems) in May of this year they better be ready to hold the media accountable. Demanding they ask Barack Obama the same questions about his alleged homosexual affairs and Cocaine use & sales!
Take Note ALL 2012 GOP Hopefuls: Especially Newt & Mitch Daniels
Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? would make a wonderful Christmas gift for anyone who wants to know the truth about Barack Obama. Give the story that the mainstream media has spent four years trying to sweep under the rug!
Paperback copies of Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?are available for $13.99 plus Priority shipping. All orders received on or before December 21, 2011 will arrive in time for Christmas. Your order can be gift wrapped and shipped directly to the person it was bought for at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE.
Rush Limbaugh: No Media Vetting; Larry Sinclair and Obama's College Records
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